Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kisah kelas PD.......

Assalammua'alaikum,lama sangat dh x mengupdate blog ni sbb busy sgat dgn assgmnt n projek luar...hrmm(cm businessman pulak)Haha...Sebelom terlupa nk ucapkn salam maulud utk semua umat islam...Jgan plak kita menyambut Valentine day sudah..harammmmmm...Disebabkan lama xtulis story sampei xtaw nk tulis pe...

Arini just nk bgtaw je story dlam klaz PD smlm..woww,smlm b4 nk abis klaz something surprised me n the the other guys in the class...cerita dia cmni tjuk topik PD aritu cmne kita nk seimbangkan "nature of our life" yg mne dlu2 sewaktu lahir kita ni boley dikatakan balance because had not did any sins or problem,but now try u look at yourself.......

How your self right now??...it is quite ok or instead of that...berbalik pd klas pd td,b4 abis klaz ad sesi Q&A...mula2 ad sorg dak pompn ni angkat tgn cerita pasal diri dia dlm keluarga cmne ibu dia treat dia berbnding dgn adik beradik dia yg laen seems unfair way....mula2 ak dgr cerita dia ok je lpas 2 bila dia da start sebak 1 klaz semue senyap khusyuk dgr luahan ikhlas hati dia yg terpendam...abis semue kwan2 dia yg duduk sebaris menangis jgak smpei ak pon teras jgak la(padahal nk ckp nk nanges jgak),,haha...

Same story with the other one who tell her story  about their parents that not treat her fairly compared to their siblings which is all made proud to their parents.yaa,she was try to prove that she also can made it by scored a better good result in exam.early,their parents said that she would never change and she will same like that...But,after  she proven that,there finally made her father proud of her.....and she said to us it will take time to make see our outcome of changes and would not be give up....(terpaksa tulis org putih krn dia pon ckp org putih)..hehe

Actually,untuk menceritakan perihal mcm ni memerlukan keberanian yg tinggi tambah2 ia berkait dgn kisah keluarga....Same like me but i'm not so brave enough to tell my story yet......ok sampei sini saja...